Monthly Archives: January 2012

Isolating and Colorizing A Black and White Photo


Woman With Sweetheart Candy

Being that Valentine’s Day is around the corner, this is the most recent of my Photoshop CS5 tutorials.  In this video, I cover how to remove the color from an image and isolate a specific object on the photo.  I also cover the steps on how to then change the object selected and transform either for more dramatic impact.  I also added a blur technique to the background in order to emphasize the red heart in the foreground.  The transformation of the heart to look like a Necco sweetheart candy as in the photo above was not covered in the video.

Photoshop CS5: Colorizing A Black and White Image or Photograph

As a fan of NFL football, (and as this blog post is being published, we are in the playoff season), I decided to include my armchair hobby by including this project in my latest tutorial.  Obviously, the techniques you will learn in this video tutorial can be applied to any black and white image you may be interested in  colorizing.

2 Additional Changes Youtube Has Made to Improve Small Business Video Marketing

Although there was a great uproar and outcry regarding  Youtube’s recent updates and changes, it seems those outcries are growing dimmer as small businesses are getting a net gain with Youtube’s redevelopment of their website.

In a previous blog post, I included a brief summary of Youtube’s new interface but I was hesitant to comment about the new changes internally since such a major change in navigation was putting a dent on how I was posting and editing my video tutorials.

The following is an example of my Youtube channel’s  new interface:

But as I mentioned earlier, those concerns are beginning to drift away since, as a matter of fact, YouTube has already made more of an effort to feature channels on search results pages for related keywords.   This is the key, make sure when you edit  your channel that you focus on using your main keyword phrase properly in your channel’s description , and you can get found even quicker!

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Happy New Year: Gearing Up for 2012 Online Productivity

Well, most of us have rung in the New Year and are returning back to our work routines and are facing the ongoing challenges that having an online blog can pose.  What with many of the vast changes that have occurred in the  last few months in social media, video and other online sources the tasks can be daunting.

As a matter of fact, if the stats are correct, many small businesses haven’t launched their blogs and are therefore further behind the curve on getting their small business’ online marketing rolling.  My best advice is to get some general information on what needs to be done and get started, you can always refine the process as you develop new skills and you gain more traffic.  Don’t fall into the dreaded symptom of “paralysis through over-analysis”.

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