Monthly Archives: November 2012

Happy 2nd Anniversary!

Just a celebration post to mark the second anniversary of this website.  Just wanted to say thanks to all my visitors. Those who have left insightful comments and posted likes. The traffic for my Youtube channel has grown as well and we’re really pleased with all the views and growing subscribers.

It’s almost funny looking back at the trickle of traffic I received when I first started this website as compared to what it is now.  The site has seen an enormous amount of growth and hopefully we will be able continue to churn out quality posts through the holidays and beyond.  Thanks again for stopping by!

Wishing You A Happy Thanksgiving!


Another year has rolled in and this is just a short note to remind you that I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!  I certainly was busy eating turkey and gravy, green beans almondine, cornbread stuffing and parmesan mashed potatoes among other things. Throw in a few more calories that I don’t care to mention and it was all good. Mmmm. Mmmm.

I certainly am grateful for a lot of things.  I appreciate all the visitors to my website and the additional subscribers and views on my Youtube channel.  This has been a tough economic year for many, and I hope some of the  instruction I provide in my free videos is building  your graphic design skill set.  Thanks again and again for all the visits as this website nears it’s second birthday.

Tomorrow is the start of all the  Black Friday Sales and the preparation for the Holiday Season, so hope you all are enjoying your holiday!